Workshop “Spanish Regulation and Requeriments to put in orbit a satellite”

The workshop was held in the Faculty of Statistical Studies of the UCM, and dealt about the legal regulations to launch a satellite. It was co-organized by the President of AEDAE, Elisa González Ferreiro, and the director of the AEGORA Research Group of the UCM, Ana Inés Gómez de Castro.

Speakers were: Mª Cristina García de Miguel, manager of resources spectrum orbit and regulation – Hispasat group, Javier Delgado, administrator of the European Space Astronomy Center – ESAC, Fabrizio Pirondini, co-founder of Deimos Imaging & PanGeo Alliance and Paola Serrano, director of aviation and transportation of Mapfre Global



16.30-17.00 h
–  Aplicación de los Convenios Internacionales. El deber de Registro. Elisa González Ferreiro. Presidenta de AEDAE.
17.00-17.30 h
– La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones: asignación de Frecuencias y posiciones satelitales.-
Órbita geoestacionaria, órbitas medias y bajas. Mª Cristina García de Miguel. Gerente de recursos órbita espectro y regulación- grupo Hispasat.
17.30-18.00 h
– La Agencia Espacial Europea: contratos de lanzamiento. Vega. Javier Delgado. Administrador del Centro Europeo de Astronomía Espacial- ESAC
18.00-18.15 h
– Preguntas de los asistentes
– Descanso
–   Requisitos técnicos del lanzamiento. Otros contratos. Fabrizio Pirondini, Co-fundador de Deimos Imaging & PanGeo Alliance
19.00- 19.30 h
– Los seguros de satélites. Paola Serrano– Directora de aviación y transporte de Mapfre Global Risk
19.30-20.00 h
– Recepción de datos (Grupo de Investigación AEGORA Complutense) Ana Inés Gómez de Castro. Directora AEGORA (Research Group on Space Astronomy and Data Mining).
20.00-20.30 h
– Preguntas de los asistentes.

Meeting on the spectral-imaging and coronographic capabilities of Spektr-UF / WSO-UV

A meeting on the spectral-Imaging and coronographic capabilities of Spektr-UF / WSO-UV took place in Madrid past 17th September 2018.

Attendees from Japan (Rikkyo University, JAXA), Russia (INASAN, IKI) and Spain (UCM, SENER,  HITA) met together for analyzing the current design of the Field Camera Unit (FCU) imaging instrument of the Spektr-UF / WSO-UV and evaluating the feasibility to add two additional channels for coronography and far UV spectral-imaging to the current payload baseline.


Monday, September 17th


Presentation of attendees


Description of the current design of the FCU. A.I. Gómez de Castro, UCM


FUV detector for FCU. Laura Diez, SENER


Description of Coronograph proposed for FCU. Alexander Tavrov, IKI


Description of the FUV slitless spectrograph. S. Kameda, RU


Coffee Break


Discussion: Optical interfaces, Mechanical interfaces, Electronic interfaces.


Actions and summary of the meeting





The Spanish and Russian WSO-UV teams meeting in Moscow

The Spanish and Russian WSO-UV teams met together in Moscow past 6th and 7th March 2018. The meeting was devoted to the startup activities of the Spanish contribution to the WSO-UV imager, the PDD detector of the Field Camera Unit.  The meeting was held at INASAN and IKI facilities in Moscow. The PDD development schedule and implementaiton plans were presented and discussed, aiming to better coordinate the different tasks carried out by SENER, the industrial supplier of the PDD, AEGORA/UCM, as scientific supervisors of these activities, and INASAN and IKI, as Russian responsibles for the overall WSO-UV project and instrumentation.

Proposal for using future Deep Space Gateway to deploy a cubesat UV Telescope

The AEGORA team presented on 5th December 2017 a proposal for using the Deep Space Gateway for UV exploration, during the Deep Space Gateway Workshop held at ESTEC (European Space Agency,  Noordwijk, Netherlands) . This proposal is based on the deployment of a UV telescope integrated inside a 8U cubesat.  The project aims to determine the distribution of neutral gas in the Earth exosphere and to observe the surface of the moon in UV range, sharing many synergies with other ongoing UV projects, such as WSO-UV mission or studies for UV facilities such as LUVOIR/POLLUX or CETUS.

The inauguration of the JCUVA Center at Complutense University


26th – 27th October 2017, at UCM. Madrid, Spain

The Complutense University of Madrid and the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences have created the Joint Center for Ultraviolet Astronomy (JCUVA).

The inauguration of the JCUVA Center took place on October 27, 2017 at the JCUVA facilities of Complutense University of Madrid with the attendance of the Ambassador of Russia in Spain, Mr. Yuri P. Korchagin and the Rector of the

Complutense University, Mr. Carlos Andradas



Thrusday, October 26th 2017


Welcome. JCUVA presentation

Project Update

– Status of Spektr-UF / WSO_UV in Russia – B.Shustov/ M.Sachkov

– Status of Spektr-UF / WSO-UV in Spain– A.I. Gómez de Castro

– Status of Spektr-UF / WSO-UV in Mexico – M. Chavez

– Possible collaboration with JAXA – A. Tavrov

– Field Camera Unit – S.Sichevsky

Scientific Policies for Spektr-UF / WSO-UV

– Procedures for Core Programme Calls & Guaranteed Key Programmes –

A.I. Gómez de Castro/M.Sachkov


Tools in support for the call

 Web site, Remote Proposal System, Exposure Time Calculator – J.C. Vallejo

– Spektr-UF / WSO-UV Simulators – P. Marcos-Arenal

Friday, October 27th 2017


Key Projects Presentation

– Science with FCU – E. Kanev

– Comets in the UV – B.Shustov

– Spektr-UF / WSO-UV and comets – E. Kanev

Coffe Break

Community Key Programmes

– The First Statistically … – R. Sánchez-Ramírez

– GRBs follow up in the UV – R. Sánchez-Ramírez

– High Mass X-Ray Binary Systems – P. Blay

– Massive stars across Cosmic History -M. García

– Big Data and Astronomy – R. Caballero



– A.I. Gómez de Castro

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