OPEN RESGISTRATION – II EDITION – “Introduction to Space Exploration and Its use” Course. Fac. Mathematics, Complutense University of Madrid 2024

From november 11th to 29th, 2024 in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid.
This course has been designed to provide basic and interdisciplinary training in the areas of knowledge involved in space exploration; It is an initiative open to all those interested in space exploration, and especially to UCM students, who want to acquire basic knowledge about its most relevant aspects with the endorsement of our Institution.

Go to the course web page:

NUVA eMeeting 2024:“The impact of UV surveys in astronomy”.

The NUVA e-meeting of this year will be devoted to the scientific results of the explotation of the surveys, the instrumentation used for the surveys and the possible strategies for small/cubesat-like missions to address specific problems not considered by these missions.

The topic of the next NUVA e-meeting will be: “The impact of UV surveys in astronomy”.

GALEX and AstroSat/UVIT surveys are having an enormous impact in astronomy and new UV survey missions are coming such as ULTRASAT and UVEX, UV imaging and spectroscopic surveys with missions like HST, AstroSat/UVIT, GALEX, and Swift have provided wide-ranging results and transformed the landscape for future UV/optical astronomy missions . 

The 2024 meeting will be held on 16th and 17th October from 15:00 to 18:00 CEST. During the week of the workshop, this time is UTC+2.

eMeeting web page:

The director of JCUVA, Ana Inés Gómez de Castro selected by ESA for the HWO mission

The Director of our AEGORA Research Group, Ana Inés Gómez de Castro, has been selected by the European Space Agency to define the new great space mission of the HWO Telescope with which NASA wants to find habitable worlds.

HWO will be the first telescope designed specifically to search for signs of life on planets orbiting other stars. A gigantic project that involves putting into orbit a telescope larger than the James Webb but with extraordinary #opticalquality in the ultraviolet range.

“Introduction to Space Exploration and Its use” Course. Fac. Mathematics, Complutense University of Madrid

From november 13rd to december 1st, 2023 in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid.
This course has been designed to provide basic and interdisciplinary training in the areas of knowledge involved in space exploration; It is an initiative open to all those interested in space exploration, and especially to UCM students, who want to acquire basic knowledge about its most relevant aspects with the endorsement of our Institution.

Go to the course web page:

eMeeting NUVA 2023 “On the path to the New Ultraviolet Astronomy: scientific challenges and new technologies”

In 2020, the Network of Ultraviolet Astronomy (NUVA) decided to begin organizing periodic, yearly, e-meetings to keep the community updated and connected.

These e-meetings are dedicated to specific topics to take advantage of the short time frame available for this type of global e-reunions. They are typically scheduled from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC during 1-3 days, depending on the demand of the community. Talks from young scientists starting in the field are most welcome as well as updates from reputed specialists in the evolution of their research or instrumentation.

The topic of the NUVA e-meeting 2023 was: “On the path to the New Ultraviolet Astronomy: scientific challenges and new technologies”.

This meeting is thought as a contact point for the on-going global activities for the definition of the next generation of UV instrumentation.

The 2023 meeting was held on 24th to 26th October

Go to the emeeting web page:

Data Protection and Observation Satellites course at Complutense University

The protection of personal data has been recognized as a fundamental right in the European Union and its deployment has currently acquired a global dimension.

Likewise, the regulations that established the Spatial Information Infrastructure in the European Community (INSPIRE) have promoted the development of geospatial data and services, among which those related to Earth observation stand out in particular.

From October 2 to 5, 2023, the course “Data protection and observation satellites” will take place in the Miguel de Guzmán Classroom (Fac. CC Mathematics, UCM) as well as virtually with prior registration.

Organized by the AEGORA Research Group together with the European project EuroSpaceHub and AEDAE – Spanish Association of Aeronautical and Aerospace Law.

More information at:

JCUVA was present at World Space Summit

WOSS – World Space Summit (3,2,1… Launch!):
The World Space Summit took place during Airspace Integration Week in Madrid from September 25 to 28, 2023, promoted by Expodrónica and the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA).
The AEGORA Complutense group ( and JCUVA – Joint Center for Ultraviolet Astronomy ( of the UCM participated in the conference.

JCUVA members at The EuroSpaceHub Ibiza Forum 2003 

The EuroSpaceHub Ibiza Forum 2003 ( ) took place past 3rd, 4th and 5th May. This has been a meeting point for researchers, engineers, creative people, innovators and entrepreneurs, to have informal conversations, interactive debates, masterclasses, creation and collaboration sessions to enhance the innovation and collaboration within the space and aviation innovation ecosystem.

The AEGORA research group from University Complutense of Madrid has contributed to the organization of the event. AEGORA members have also participated in the Forum both as moderators and speakers in the different Forum sessions.

These activities form part of AEGORA EuroSpaceHub activities. This is a project fully funded by the European Union, through EIT Manufacturing. This project aims to digitally connect the space ecosystem in Europe, from tech transfer offices to industry, space accelerator networks, research centres, and other universities. More information on this project can be found in

Meeting of the Spanish Ultraviolet Astronomy Network (RUVE): Faculty of Mathematics. Universidad Complutense Madrid

The AEGORA research group of the UCM organized the periodic meeting of the Spanish Ultraviolet Astronomy Network (RUVE) on April 26 at the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

This network was born to assist the Spanish astronomical community in the best use and exploitation of the WSO-UV space telescope, now also serving to consolidate a nucleus of action of the Spanish Ultraviolet astronomical community that anticipates the best use of the future ultraviolet missions that are planned. are now in the design or development phase.

During the meeting, the activities already carried out by the RUVE and NUVA were reviewed. The discussions addressed the current status of the WSO-UV project within the current international context, the possible Spanish contribution to the Pollux instrument (a possible European contribution to the Habitable World Observatory), the activities of the IAU Ultraviolet working group and the new opportunities that have arisen. of collaborations with the Canadian Space Agency and the Japanese Space Agency.

The day ended with a visit to the facilities of the AEGORA research group, including the Vacuum Ultraviolet Laboratory where the group tests various optical elements in the ultraviolet range.

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